Breaking steel

Over the past decade, we have helped steel service companies and steel mill businesses around the world to improve and simplify their operations.

Beach iron

The breakers developed and manufactured by Fractum are able to break pig iron that has been temporarily stored in a pit. The design allows for a very high energy density and precise impact that rips the material apart. The output of our breakers is higher than the capacity of traditional machines.

Fractum’s impact breaking solutions were designed around safety and as a result it is possible to have other machines and equipment such as magnets and trucks, working alongside our breakers. This significantly increases secondary breakage processes and overall productivity.

Breaking steel
with the
FRACTUM breaker

Mould Recycling

Recycling steel mould

The recycling process of moulds from steel production tends to be time-consuming due to the fact that moulds have to be transported to drop balls. Additionally, shaping moulds into the correct size tends to be difficult, due to the fact that each mould has a different and odd shape. As a result, the drop ball tends to bounce in all different directions.

Fractum has simplified this elaborate process of mould recycling. Our technology makes it possible to shape moulds into the required size at any location at any time in a safe manner. This is a direct result of the chassis design, which allows operators to optimally control the strokes’ precision whilst containing the impact area.

steel moulds


Green steel

By processing material on location, our breakers reduce the need for heavy machinery required to transport material to a separate location for processing. This not only saves time and money, it also simplifies health and safety-related procedures, while reducing your carbon footprint.

By breaking the steel where it is, Fractum’s breakers also help to reduce waste by ensuring that only the necessary parts of the materiale is processed. This results in less material waste and more efficient use of resources. Overall, the Fractum breaker’s ability to process material where it is without the need for transportation or complex health and safety measures makes it a sustainable solution for the industry.


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